Bridge or Small Structure Repair

 Step 1 of 1

Bridges are defined as structures with a span of 20 feet or greater.  Small Structures are considered as culverts or small bridges that are 36 inches in diameter, or greater, up to 20 feet.  Anyone may report a problem with a bridge or small structure.  This may include an erosion problem, a suckhole, guardrail damage, etc.  If the problem you want to report is for a culvert which is less than 36 inches in diameter, please contact the Highway Department
If the problem is an immediate threat to public safety, the Sheriff's Department should be called at 260-244-6410.
Use the form below to report information to Whitley County for bridges or small structures in need of repair.

* Denotes a required field

Bridge or Small Structure Repair or Issue

Select from below the issue you are reporting.
Type of Issue*
The left lane on Whitley's bridge is dipping and cracking. The guardrail on Whitley's bridge is damaged.

Your Information

Telephone, Facsimile, etc.*
-- ext
Date You Are Reporting This Information*

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